Just received your newest CD. I have listened to it three times now and, as a result have moved you into that group of excellent uke players I especially admire and know that I can learn a great deal from by listening repeatedly to their stylings (not to mention enjoying their fabulous ukulele music).” - Andy Andrews, founder of Ukulele Club of Santa Cruz & the Puna Ukulele & Kanikapila Association
Wow! Got my copy. Superior uke playing. So smooth, so clean. You’ve got a wonderful CD here! — Chris S.
Curt, your CD was fantastic. You are amongst the ukulele masters of our day. — John K.
“Just received your newest CD. I have listened to it three times now and, as a result have moved you into that group of excellent uke players I especially admire and know that I can learn a great deal from by listening repeatedly to their stylings (not to mention enjoying their fabulous ukulele music).” - Andy Andrews / founder of Ukulele Club of Santa Cruz & the Puna Ukulele & Kanikapila Association
Curt’s repertoire consistently stretches the ukulele envelope by incorporating jazz, blues, and pop into a pleasantly entertaining mix. — Gerald Ross
Curt, I really enjoyed your set at The Whiskey--your low key intros, mic persona provided a cool contrast with your complex uke technique and ingenious arrangements! - Best wishes, Jared Denhard
I'm glad you had fun and despite being very busy it was a pleasure to meet and hear you. Last night I had a few beers with my "crew" and they were asked who was a standout act , and you won "most technically proficient" player . The audience seemed to have really enjoyed your set and when the audio is ready I'll send it down to you. - Rich "Amazing Dick" Leufstedt - UkeStock 2008
Received your CD just prior to leaving on a trip last week. Listened to it for 600 miles. Please keep me in mind should you EVER do another one of jazz standards. The only thing I'm sorry about is that I don't live close enough to come see you play live or to get lessons from you.
Also thanks for the picks. I've never used that style of pick before, but find that the notes come easier and sound better when using them. They took a bit of getting used to, but now they're all I use.
Best of luck to you. You're a great player. - Jim Weller
Taking advantage of my jazz guitar skills and over 30 years of private study with internationally recognized virtuoso and master teacher Chuck Anderson, I began pursuing the potential of the ukulele. Researching the field I saw very little material organized at an intermediate or advanced level that really worked for players wanting to explore the ukulele beyond the basics. I have developed an international reputation as a ukulele educator having written many books on the subject of ukulele.
I run and maintain the very popular web site with over 600 lessons. Check out the Workshops page for available ukulele workshops that Curt has presented across the country at various ukulele festivals over the past 10 years.
I wanted to pay you a compliment. (Now don't get a big head!). I have purchased many books over the past 15 years I have been playing and none of them come even close to having the detailed and easy to understand information yours have. I really got a chance to get some practicing in and am finding your books to be such a great learning tool. I also purchased a timer like you suggested and my practice sessions the past 4 days have been my best in years. - Take care, - Nick Matty
( From a posting to the jazz guitar newsgroup ) Rocco, I took a lesson from a guy named Curt Sheller, who lives in Pottstown, PA area. Depending on where you live in the Philly area, that might be a bit of a drive for you, but he is well worth it. He's an excellent teacher. I took a lesson from him a couple of months ago, and had planned on taking a one-hour lesson per month from him, but then my work required me to travel almost every week since then and so I haven't been able to master the assignments he gave me so far.
I have taken single lessons from a few teachers in the area, and he is by far the best I've seen. He has a web site He is the only guy that I could find that is truly flexible in terms of scheduling, and to top it off, he's the best teacher for the guitar I've ever found as well... - Bob
Curt has written over 40 books for `Ukulele, Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Lap Steel and Music.
QuickStart Scale Fingerings for Ukulele by Curt Sheller
( from satisfied customer ) CS, Man, I broke the code!!! I‘ve had you books for quite a while and never understood them. I live on the island of Lanai in Hawaii and a large number of guys can jam and they have tried the help, but could not read or understand the music. A new young guy moved here from Oahu and started teaching lessons. I started taking lessons from him and again, he did not understand what you books were all about. Being a teacher myself I knew there was a great deal of knowledge in your books and I could help him in setting up his lesson plans for his classes. I also told him that you basic books would be great for his students. After my 3rd lesson I broke out you Quickstart Book and it took us about 45 minutes to break the code. The power of reading! I will continue to tell lessons just because the local sound is so fresh but, this blues stuff w/local music will be off the hook. Thanks again. I will be buying more books and I will try to get his contact information. ! His uncle was Bratha "IZ" - Kevin L. Humphrey
A Guide to Ukulele Chords by Curt Sheller
Curt Sheller is a jazz guitarist with a love for the uke. He has turned his copious and capable knowledge of music theory, and chord theory in particular, and put out some very accessible and worthwhile books. His 'A Guide to Blues Chord Progressions for Ukulele from A to Z' will give you the changes essential to blues and jazz. 'A Guide to Ukulele Chords' is authoritative, concise, direct, and informative.
It is a great primary source for knowledge of chords for someone approaching music theory armed with a uke. James Hill wrote the intro.
I’m finding all sorts of spiffy stuff in 'QUICKSTART Scale Fingerings for Ukulele'..
These and other excellent learning aides can be found on Sheller’s site: He also sent me 'Midnight at the Jazz Café', a CD of his guitar work, which is on in the background all the while I’m writing this. Not ukulele, but pleasant listening. - Uke Jackson
Note - This book has been used for courses at Kap'olani Community College and Honolulu Community College in Hawaii for the past several years.
Just browsing over both books, they look fantastic! I'm a guitarist and uke player for over 25 years and was thinking about writing a ukulele book but you've already written what I think are the best, most comprehensive and thorough books I've ever seen for the instrument. I just might end up buying every book you've written and I'll be giving my highest recommendation for your books to my friends and students. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such great books! — Peter Rhee
Just browsing over both books, they look fantastic! I'm a guitarist and uke player for over 25 years and was thinking about writing a ukulele book but you've already written what I think are the best, most comprehensive and thorough books I've ever seen for the instrument. I just might end up buying every book you've written and I'll be giving my highest recommendation for your books to my friends and students. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such great books! — Peter Rhee
Aloha, Curt, All I can say is WOW! What you have accomplished is simply incredible! All the best — Glen Hirabayashi, The Aloha Boys
Folks, if you haven't stopped by Curt's site, do so right now! ..And get his books, they are fantastic. This guy knows his stuff and is able to pass it along too. — Alan Johnson Proprietor, The 4th Peg
I can highly recommend Curt's Uke books — I have four of them and they are excellent. — fatveg — Portland
Thanks for visiting and checking out the site!

Original Animation by Curt Sheller - 1987 for my first web site 38 years ago.